This KQL query helps you compute the user’s session duration in the last 30 days.
WVDConnections | where State in (“Started”, “Connected”, “Completed”) // Filter relevant states | where TimeGenerated >= ago(30d) // Get records from the last 30 days | summarize StartTime = minif(TimeGenerated, State == “Started”), // Earliest time for “Started” EndTime = maxif(TimeGenerated, State == “Completed”), // Latest time for “Completed” HasConnected = countif(State == “Connected”) > 0, // Check for “Connected” event presence SessionHostName = anyif(SessionHostName, State == “Started”) // Capture the server name associated with the session by CorrelationId, UserName | extend DurationMinutes = iff(HasConnected and isnotnull(StartTime) and isnotnull(EndTime), datetime_diff(“minute”, EndTime, StartTime), -1) // Use -1 as a placeholder for invalid durations | where DurationMinutes >= 0 // Filter out invalid durations (those set to -1) | extend SessionDurationHours = DurationMinutes / 60.0 // Calculate duration in hours | project UserName, CorrelationId, StartTime, EndTime, DurationMinutes, SessionDurationHours, SessionHostName | order by StartTime desc // Order by StartTime for clarity
Are you getting this error in Microsoft 365 Admin center when viewing mail tab of a user? And on-prem Exchange has already been decomissioned? Well, you kinda have to “fake” the migration and clear some user’s attributes:
In AD Users and Computers, make sure Advanced Features are activated (View > Advanced Features). Go to the users OU and double click on the user. Select AttributeEditor and clear the following attributes:
Run AD / Entra Sync:
Start-ADSyncSyncCycle -PolicyType Delta
Wait for 15-30min and now the user will get an Exchange Online Mailbox if he has a license.
If your users are having issues logging in to your OpenSSH Server for Windows Server after the latest October 2024 Windows Updates, this might help you:
Firstly, configure logging so that you can see what is happening:
Change the config file:
SyslogFacility LOCAL0
Restart OpenSSH Service
In my environment i saw this error:
userauth_pubkey: signature algorithm ssh-rsa not in PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms [preauth]
The solution is pretty straight forward. Add this line at the top of your OpenSSH config file:
When a file is moved to a different folder on the same NTFS volume, its permissions don’t automatically update to match the destination folder’s settings. Instead, the file keeps its original permissions, which can lead to unexpected access issues if the destination has different security settings
To ensure files inherit the permissions of their new location when moved within the same NTFS volume, you can adjust the Windows Registry to change this behavior. Set the following registry key on the file server: