There is a built-in app in Windows that helps you record your screen and automatically creates steps with screenshots and a description. Just search “Steps Recorder” in the start menu.
Running the program as administrator allows you to record programs that run with highest privileges. Just start recording, go through the steps needed for the specific action, stop the recording and finally save the steps.
A compressed file will be created containing the report as a MHT file. It can be opened with a common browser.
A very handy tool both for documentations or end users.
Here is a quick way to find inactive AD Users in your environment. Get-ADUser ist the cmdlet we are going to use.
We are getting all users from the highest OU ( and using the Property LastLogonDate, which will not be returned if not specified in the -Properties parameter. After that a Where statement is going to show users that haven’t logged in since 90 days or more.
Are you trying to delete a local Windows User Profile because something doesn’t behave the way it should? Here is a quick and easy tip to remember.
Deleting a user profile is very straightforward, if you know how to. Just deleting C:\Users\<username> is not enough though. In fact stranger things might occur if you just delete the user’s folder.
There are two ways of deleting a user profile:
Method 1: Advanced System Settings (Very easy)
By going into the Advanced System Settings you can delete a user profile. The user obviously has to be logged off, otherwise the “Delete” button will be greyed out.
Method 2: Regedit
Note: It is always a good idea to make a backup of your current Registry entries BEFORE making any changes. You could for example rename the registry key or “Export” it by right clicking on the key you want to backup. Sub-keys are also backed up.
There are cases where the user profile is not listed in the Advanced System Settings, but the user folder is present under C:\Users. In that case you can firstly delete the profile SID under
So you just made a keyword search in Outlook and found that very important email from your boss. Awesome! But how can I find the path of that email, you may ask? Here is a very quick tip.
By hitting ALT+ENTER on the corresponding email, you can see some properties, including the email’s folder. In my case it is Posta in Arrivo (Inbox).
Another way of finding out, is to double-click on the email and select File on the top left of the window.
Since CTRL+ALT+DEL affects your local machine, you can send CTRL+ALT+END to your RDP Session in order to do tasks like Task Manager, Lock the Session or change your admin password, all inside your RDP connection.